Total Value Locked:
Daily HEX price multiplied by the number of HEX locked into miners
Percent Staked:
The number of locked HEX divided by the HEX supply
HEX Price:
Historic HEX Price (log scale)

Mining is a way of earning rewards for holding HEX. The HEX.COM contract is designed to reward miners who honor their commitments with rewards. Stakers receive a portion of the system inflation in the form of HEX token rewards. When mining you can supercharge your returns by locking longer or bigger. These bonuses are calculated for you at the beginning of your lock and are referred to as Bonus Hearts in the contract. The principal and Bonus Hearts determine how many T-Shares are allocated to your lock. The HEX.COM website provides many resources to explain this further.
There are probably as many strategies as there are users of HEX. The best part is that you do all the work, you choose your terms, and you hold your own keys. As a yield-producing product (yield in HEX) staking is often compared to Bank Certificate of Deposits (CD). There are many examples you can find describing how bank customers use CDs to produce a passive income stream. Some of these methods can be applied to HEX mining.
One of the most popular methods is called Laddering. A ladder is a savings strategy where you create several locks with staggered expiration dates to take advantage of higher rewards on longer-term locks, while still keeping some of your HEX accessible in the near term. Laddering works best with people who put HEX in over a consistent period and time their withdrawals. It’s great if you have consistent HEX coming in. It provides you with a way to stay on a consistent plan while still earning more HEX. As each lock expires, you can scrape yield and re-lock. This produces a continuous flow of rewards each period.
Benefits of a Ladder:
You can take advantage of higher rates of yield on longer-term locks without locking up all your HEX for the longest period of time
If yield rates are rising, you can re-lock the HEX from shorter-term locks into new locks in higher yield
You have easier access to your HEX when life happens
Daily Payout Per T-Share:
Includes actual HEX per T-Share payout, a 365-day average of the T-Share payout plus two forecasts. HX Estimate is based on the Hopper multiple and the Hopper multiple is a mathematical (quantitative) forecast based on observed system parameters. The KS estimate is a qualitative estimate derived from polling of known experts.
APY Rate
Annual percentage yield rate is the average annualized yield for open stakes on a given day
HEX Share Rate Speculative Estimate:
Actual HEX T-Share rate in terms of HEX, plus an estimate of the future T-Rate basted on the new share rate calculation within the HEX contract
Total T-Shares vs. Cost:
Total number of T-Shares that exist and the USD cost of a T-Share. The cost is calculated by multiplying the T-Share rate in HEX by the daily price of HEX

HEX Supply:
Total HEX and HEX circulating supply by date

HEX Penalties paid by date

Staker Adoption:
Current number of addresses with open stakes vs. HEX price

Current number of addresses holding HEX vs. HEX Price
Total T-Shares vs. Price
Total T-Shares count by date vs. the price of the T-Share in USD. This allows user to analyze the relationship between total T-Share count and USD price. Look for patterns, correlations, or any interesting insight.
Total T-Shares Forecast:
Total T-Share Count by date. This allows users to observe and analyze Total T-Share Count trends over time. Additionally, it is an indication of how Stakers are interacting with the HEX system.

Shows the current trend of liquidity being added and removed from the pools on an asset-by-asset basis
Asset Correlation
A correlation matrix presenting various asset correlation with each other assets in a tabular form. This helps the user understand how assets have moved in relation to each other based on history.

All-In Rank
By ranking each wallet according to T-Share Days, you can assess the wallet’s long-term commitment to the project. This metric highlights those who are most invested in the success of HEX, not just financially but also in terms of time horizon.

HEX Mining Data
Searchable table of HEX stakes by Id, Address, Dates, and Status. Includes estimated future payouts and return on investment.